…so…I didn’t do what was suggested…nothing new there…

When I saw the efforts being made by apparently caring professionals to persuade me to accept ‘Treatments’ they believe are best (despite what must be overwhelming evidence to the contrary), I went in search of Reasons Why. 


Not just for Cancer, but in other areas, including Vaccines etc. (See Posts)


And what I found so far has shocked and angered me. 

(An Irish Healer told me: “Anger is ok if it's channeled into action”.)

I have made efforts to warn of what I have found, but in a haphazard and poorly planned way.

And I lack the credibility, anyway, of a Doctor who has had seven or more years of training...

Pharma-Designed ‘training’, since the 1930s, as I and millions of others - including Doctors - have discovered.

The ‘training’ has also been called indoctorination…and the term presumably applies to most of the Staff etc. who work on behalf of their trillion dollar ‘Bottom Line’.

Hence laying out information on the Blog, hopefully in a connected way, and my efforts to help others avoid The Trap.


I've bought a Cancer Docu-Series (see below) for anyone here who wants it

- mainly because the first Episode mirrors my experience when faced with a 'diagnosis' - and the experience of others I know...


In this first Episode, a Doctor covers a lot of ground in just 40 minutes.

He explains what is experienced by someone (including me) when told they "have cancer".

Especially at 'Stage 4', this is usually experienced as a Death Sentence.

(I’ve heard of some who have collapsed and died. 
And of others who have said “I don’t buy that - I’m 
going to see my grandkids grow up”.
And they have - without ANY treatment. Other than self-treatment, change of mindset, nutrition, lifestyle - the Terrain where dis-ease can flourish, and needs a Healing Process 

At 12.22  ‘Western Medical 'Treatment' - not the Cancer - is what kills patients.

(which is what my Dublin cab driver was told by his regular customer, a Medical Consultant).

At 13.30 he explains the dangers of Biopsy - causing the cancer to spread...

It was after I had declined 'Treatment' that Daria Shields told me that 'cancer' is "just a Healing Process 🟢" and "not to fight with it - anything we fight with, we give energy to"

Can you see a similarity with what the doctor in the Natural is Best video says about 'interfering' with/blocking the Healing Process 🟢?

(Connecting the dots 🟢 may give a picture of what's going on...)

At 21.40, The Mammogram process causes inflammation (usually part of the natural Healing Process 🟢),  

and Breast Cancer can be caused by the Radioactivity used on inflamed tissue in the 'Breast Check' tests.

He questions WHY it is used - when a secondary 'check' can be done using Ultrasound.

(A good friend was told by her yoga teacher that bras can restrict the armpit Lymph Drainage healing system 🟢. And a yoga arms stretch above the head can help that Healing process 🟢.)

(To find to which lymph nodes my 'cancer' had travelled, they used a CAT/PT Scan, and radioactive sugar!

They were able to find them again for a second Biopsy, using Ultrasound. 

I wondered why not use Ultrasound the first time, instead of a CAT/PT scan - which the stats SHOW is cancer-causing.

It seems to me that their Training Protocols are intent on making sure a patient has cancer!). 

Here's the link to Episode 1:

Hopefully, it will encourage even one person to think twice about succumbing to the The Trap of 'Treatment'.
I now know that there are dozens of natural cures, treatments and preventions. See elsewhere on the Blog.)

Some Cures can be tried ALONGSIDE 'Conventional Treatment'.
The damage done to the immune system by this 'Treatment' will cause huge 

I believe now that these are purposeful:

1. FEAR is the main driver of decision-making by the patient. 

2. PERSUASION (originating from Pharma?) ‘to listen to your Doctor’, ‘doctor knows best’.

   (That might be true if they were trained to Cure.

    They are not. Nor do they get more 20 minutes training in Nutrition, according to many doctors.

    Read up on it - or see ‘Western’ ‘Medicine’ post here...)    

3.  Unnecessary 'Treatments’  

    'Treatments' by 'Western Medicine' are designed to block the Healing Process 🟢 - 
     that process is elegantly described, by a doctor, in Natural is Best...JOIN THE DOTS 

4.  Pharmaceutical Treatments'  and  'Medicines'  also damage or destroy the Healing capabilities of the body/mind/neurology/Immune System.

5. The LIE that anything other than 'Western'/Pharma 'Medicine' is 'Alternative'.

     This 'medicine' has been here for little over 100 years.

     Traditional Chinese Medicine doctors have been curing for thousands of years....

     Before Pharma Schools, 'doctors' were Naturopaths, Herbalists etc., and CURED dis-eases.

     Some surviving Cave Drawings & ancient books & show cures. 

     Pharma don't cure. They 'Treat', and  'Prescribe' pills etc. for profit.
'Name and Tame' As it has been described by Dr. Mark Hyman, a Western-trained doctor, one of tebs of thousands who go on to study Functional Medicine (see Blog post), or train in other areas  

"Having a healthy Immune System works in 'fighting off' cancer every day -

- the first 'advice' the Dermatology Consultant gave me.

Western Medicine 'protocols' seem planned to damage or wipe out that Immune System.

More to follow soon, including in Cancer Cures and Cancer Prevention and More to the Story,

Ask me, meanwhile - or ask anyone who has been through a diagnosis, and those who may have 'beaten' the diagnosis. 


As with the Thyroid Docu-series, you have free access to all of this Cancer one.
Before you make decisions about Treatment, or continuing with Treatment (whether with or without some Natural Healing) you may want to have a look or listen?

Here's the Link: Username: Password: Naturalpw

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