ā€˜FIRST, DO NO HARMā€™    ???

Newly in:

Proof Vaccines cause Autism:
And the CDC were complicit.
The Centre for Disease Control, the Regulatory Agency in the US?  YES, I thought they were trustworthy. Used to quote them.
And what happened? Well, their Head used to be the Spokesperson for Tobacco...

Evidence also now coming through, for some ā€˜vaccinesā€™ is that THE ACCUMULATION OF TOXICITY IN ā€˜VACCINESā€™
is what may cause irreparable damage. Like cigarettes, it may be ā€˜the next oneā€™. 

In some cases, unfortunately, one is enough. 
Please see videos below, before deciding on ANY Vaccine?

And note ā€™COVID 19ā€™ ā€˜vaccineā€™ is among those on the Chart with no proper trials.

The good news is that Human Ingenuity, along with Nature, have developed ways of offsetting a lot of the damage done by at least some Vaccines.ā€”ā€”-

For information on any drug/vaccine licensed in Ireland, for humans or animals, just go to -  the ā€˜Health Products Regulatory Authorityā€™ in Ireland

That includes the  information from the 'Leaflet', that would come in the 'box'.

I used to pay less attention to these, including Warnings & 'Side Effects'. Not now...

Certainly not since I saw the horrific side effects of the Immunotherapy 'treatment' I was offered, and declined,
for 'Stage 4' cancer three years ago.
(More soon in My Story)

I've done a LOT of research since then..

NOTE 1: Every Leaflet I have seen, for Medicine or Vaccine (even those without 'live' virus) shows a 'Side Effect'
equal to the 'condition'/problem/symptoms it purports to 'fix'. Check any.
Why is that? The answer may be seen described in Natural is Best šŸŸ¢ (join the dots across Posts here).

NOTE 2: Most 'conditions' are Healing Processes šŸŸ¢ - including Cancer.
Thanks to Daria for gifting me that assurance & belief.

Note 3: The body (and mind) have amazing power to heal.
Each cell is designed/programmed for Survival.

Note 4: Chemicals/Unnaturals block Healing -
'Naturals' facilitate it - including good Nutrition,
Herbs, supplements, detoxing, mindset, love...etc.


Letā€™s look at Childrenā€™s 'Vaccines'?

I had not researched this 'back in the day'. It seems that things have changed, even in relatively recent years...
(More soon, on When and Why at least some of the changes. etc. If you have input, please share?)
Anyone considering the RISK vs. BENEFIT for any Vaccine may want at least this information:
Video, with Chart, 1 min 31. (Attached to email for now.)
from a named doctor who has charted the effects of vaccines (in his own Practice),
and a mother who was also unaware of them (because we are not told them, or what's IN the 'vaccines'?).
Chart includes 'Neurodevelopmental conditions'. AUTISM is one...

Below is a Chart/Schedule of Vaccinations for children in the U.S.
It shows that "...none of the vaccines on the childhood schedule were tested against an inert saline placebo
and none of the trials were long enough to accurately measure harms".
It used to be that there were far fewer on the 'schedule', here in Ireland. 

Here's where you can find the current schedules:
I have found this:

From Birth, for HEPATITIS B, I found that Engerix B, is the same 'product' used in vaccination in Ireland,
scheduled for ages 0, I month and 6 months.
(OR an 'accelerated' schedule, at 0, 1, 2  & 12 months,
" allow for simultaneous administration of Engerix B with 'other childhood vaccines'.' 

'Other childhood vaccines' listed are: Haemophilus influenzae b, BCG, hepatitis A,
polio, measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis vaccines.
And Human Papillomavirus (HPV) - more on that in the 2nd video below.)

Later it says: "In the absence of compatibility studies, this medicinal product
must not be mixed with other medicinal products" 
But it can be mixed in a baby, by injecting it with other vaccines, including 6 in 1 vaccines?!!

Also: "a gap is not needed between COVID-19 vaccines and the vaccines offered as part of the school vaccination programme".!!

Listed SIDE EFFECTS of Engerix B
(for Hepatitis B in babies)
Hepatitis B 
Encephalitis, encephalopathy, convulsions, paralysis, neuritis (including Guillain-BarrƩ syndrome, optic neuritis and
multiple sclerosis), neuropathy, hypoaesthesia, Arthritis, muscular weakness.
ā€œIn the U.S., Vaccine injury lawyer Aaron Siri acting at the behest of the
Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) has produced a remarkable chart". (October 2023)
SEE BELOW, under Text Box  ā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļø

It lists every vaccine on the U.S. childhood ā€˜scheduleā€™, how many doses are recommended, what age children are injected with it,
the brand, who manufactures it, whether the clinical trial for this vaccine used a placebo, and how long the clinical trial lasted. 

And what the chart shows (worth repeating?) is that 
"none of the vaccines on the childhood schedule were tested against an inert saline placebo
and none of the trials were long enough to accurately measure harms".
Therefore, a true risk versus benefit assessment cannot be made.

"This chart illustrates that the CDC Child and Adolescent Vaccine Schedule
is the most horrifying example of regulatory capture in history.ā€ (End quote from Chart.)"


In my research on CHICKEN POX, for current family reasons.

I found that VARIVAX (ā€˜VARā€™) is the same product used in Ireland as in the U.S. (see below also

"One controfiled trial with 956 children, half Varivax and half neomycin, and one trial with 32

Merskstudy at 2; C4nisa vaccinated and another 29 vaccinated 8 weeks later, during which the first group
double the ear infections and 50% more respiratory infectionsā€¦"

SIDE EFFECTS OF VAR Chicken Pox  ā€˜vaccineā€™:
Here are some of them, from the ā€˜leafletā€™ that would come with the pack (if we saw it before making a decision). 
Found this also on the ā€˜Health Products Regulatory Authorityā€™ in Ireland. 

Reported ā€˜Side Effectsā€™ include:
Chicken Pox (the condition it's meant to prevent)
ā€¢ illnesses affecting the nervous system (brain and/or spinal cord) such as sagging facial muscles and
drooping eyelid on one side of the face (Bell's palsy), walking unsteadily, dizziness, tingling or numbness of the hands and feet, inflammation of the brain (encephalitis), inflammation of the coverings of the brain and spinal cord not caused by bacterial infection (aseptic meningitis)
ā€¢ shingles, sore throat (pharyngitis), purple or red-brown spots visible through the skin (Henoch-Schƶnlein purpura), secondary bacterial infections of the skin and soft tissues including impetigo and cellulitis, varicella (chickenpox), aplastic anaemia, which may include bruising or bleeding more easily than normal; red or purple, flat, pinhead spots under the skin; severe paleness

As you can see, it lists "illnesses affecting the nervous system (brain and/or spinal cord)...

It does not specifically list one of those illnesses, Autism, a widely-reported result of childhood vaccines -
though long denied by Pharma. 

Hopefully no longer, thanks to brave parents and medics, including those in the videos that follow...
PLEASE watch at least part of these videos, before making any decision on any vaccine. 
Warning: Some are pretty harrowing...
3 videos, by Children's Health Defence Europe in 2023:
1. The Wakefield case (about one of the doctors discredited for revealing the truth)  (30:48)
2. VAXXED 2: The Peopleā€™s Truth (a movie funded by parents of damaged children) (1:36:12)
3. Listen, vaccines can and do cause autism (4:44:23)

"Children's Health Defense Europe is a non-profit organization. Our mission is to end childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures,
hold those responsible accountable, and to establish safeguards to prevent future harm."


This video (on Terrain Theory) shows that Chicken Pox is a result of emotional issues, such as Separation Anxiety.

It's here, from 4mins.:

It raises the question: Why 'vaccines' for non-diseases? 
(More on Terrain Theory shortly.)

More information to follow on the NECESSITY, or otherwise, for vaccines...
See separate Post on Need for ā€˜Vaccinesā€™?

If you know of any provable reasons, please share?

This Acronym B.R.A.N. is used by me and at least some family members
in questioning/deciding for or against any medical treatment/prescription:

B - Benefits/necessity? (proven?)
R - Risks (declared or otherwise known?)
A - Alternatives - are there any & what are they?
N - Nothing - what if we just observe? (See Natural is Best post)

We are entitled to ask these questions (and see the 'Leaflet' - check,
and What's in it? (perhaps more than is on the Leaflet, to cause these side effects?)

In a potentially stressful situation, e.g. an appointment, it is recommended that we have someone accompany us.
More and more people are regaining their 'power' from the Health System, Government, Banks, other Corporations etc.

If our Mam did not have the bravery to approach the 'Master' (head Consultant) of the Coombe Maternity Hospital, Dublin
in 1949 - perhaps unprecedented at that time - for assurances about her expected first child's welfare,
I might not have survived being 'breech' (upside down), with the cord wrapped around my neck...
She was satisfied when told "If you leave this in my hands, and do as I say, your baby will be fine".

Thanks Mam (and the Master of the Coombe).

As always, comments & questions, please


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