You will probably have heard that the Human Body (and Mind)
have amazing healing abilities.
Please watch this short video (on Body Systems, especially Thyroid etc.) * - it's less than 28 minutes...
At 13 mins 50, this Doctor explains clearly how our body's natural healing response
can be HELPED by using natural herbs, treatments etc., but can be caused to STOP WORKING,
temporarily or permanently, by introducing unnatural medication - synthetic/chemical -
or unnecessary/damaging 'treatments' & 'aids', including some surgery, chemotherapy etc.
(I work on the basis that ANYTHING I would find in a 'Chemist's (chemicals shop}'/Pharmacy (pharma shop),
- or most Supermarkets - is likely to be synthetic/chemical/petrochemical, and toxic to the human body...
...even 'Strepsils' Honey & Lemon (Amymetacresol Alcohol, Dichlorobenzyl etc.),
versus natural (organic) honey & lemon,
Important: Per Daria (Nutritionist etc.), honey in boiling water is toxic.
Lemon in boiling water loses Vitamin C.
We just have to let it cool a little...
This natural approach reminds me of two of Mam's sayings:
"Leave well enough alone" and "Don't pick at it - it will never get better".
And two short, personal stories:
1. I asked an Ophthalmologist 'Am I doing any damage to my eyes, by not getting spectacles?
She candidly said "Not really".
I took that to mean that glasses may stop eyes from doing what they are capable of -
perhaps with a little natural help.
I was lucky to be using some eye exercises as a Speed Reading trainer.
I had left those aside for a while, am back to them recently, and found a quick improvement.
I'll get an eye test shortly. Let you know how I get on :-)
2. When daughter Ali was about 2, in Dublin winter smog, she was a little 'wheezy'.
At the Children's Hospital, they gave her some brief Nebuliser treatment.
They checked her for infection, found none, prescribed an Inhaler, and said she might need that 'for some time'.
(Her babysitter had severe asthma for years, was really scared each time she got an asthma 'attack',
Her symptoms did not seem to be improving, despite being on a daily 'maintenance' inhaler.)
Was it preventing her lungs from doing what they were capable of doing?
We took Ali and her inhaler home, got guidance from the local Healthcare store and friends.
We got her 'child' garlic tabs, and some essential oils, Scots Pine & Eucalyptus (for a burner, tissue or radiator).
We kept a close eye on her, obviously. In a couple of days she was fine.
She was then, and still is a wonderful singer, with no breathing problems :-D
(Until recently, briefly, with COVID Masking. We'll come back to that.)
*(At 12.45, the doctor also refers briefly to Vaccines. Have a listen please?
And see this Blog's post on Vaccines...)
Here are some examples of Natural vs. Unnatural/Chemical/Synthetic:
There are thousands of examples online of Natural 'Medicine' approaches to Health & Wellbeing.
Including from a lady I follow, Barbara O'Neill, for remedies and recipes.
Here’s a 1 minute video on Barbara's natural cure for a cough:
(Note: There are bogus Barbara O'Neill videos now.
Watch for dodgy lip-syncing. Her live demos. seem best...)
* We'll come back to this video in posts shortly.
Though please feel free to watch it all - it's got fascinating information on body functions/health.
That video is only part of Episode 8 of a Docu-Series that I bought for anyone here who wants it.
For the full Docu-series on Thyroid & Adrenals etc., go to: Username: Password: Naturalpw
(It's restricted from being shared.)
As always, these Posts are for discussion, comments, personal stories, questions
on email to
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Bark of White Birch | Aspirin |
Pain Reliever | Synthesised version |
Effects | Effects. |
Pain Relief | Temporarily 'dampens down' pain, until it no longer works |
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