A blind man on a galloping horse wouldn’t see that (it doesn’t need to be perfect)


A fool and his money are soon parted


A little bit of help is better than a whole lot of sympathy


And the Young shall teach the Old


(A place for everything, and everything in it’s place) ?


“Better late than never…”


“Better (to be) safe than sorry”


Charity begins at home


Don’t pick at it, it will never heal


Every second counts (? maybe Mam)


Everyone to their own taste, as the fella said when he kissed the cow


Feck the begrudgers 


Finish one job before you start another


Finish what you started


First things first 


Generous to a fault


God helps those who help themselves


God is good, and The Divil’s not a bad fella either


He who hesitates is lost


I might get discovered…


If we’ve as much room in Heaven…(there’s lots of seating etc. space here)


I’m not as green as I’m cabbage-looking (I’m not gullible enough to believe that)


“It’s Everton soup” (there’s ev’rtin it)


Leave well enough alone


Less can be divided 


Let there be no panic


Long threatening comes at last…


Live, horse, and you’ll get grass 


Neither a lender nor a borrower be


Never say die (keep going/trying)


No time like the present (to do/start something)


One good turn deserves another


Practise what you preach


Pull the other leg, it’s got bells on…


S.O.S - (at this table) “the motto is Stretch Or Starve” (reach for what you want)


Start as you mean to go on


That child was on Earth before

(knows more than they should for their age)


That fella would arg (argue) with his nails


That fella would live in your ear, and set the other one out in flats (apartments)


That’s like the song the oul cow died on (long, dreary)


The Lazy Man’s load (carrying overflowing armfulls of stuff)


The Young shall teach the Old


There’s no time like the present


Too late, too late, shall be the cry, the man with the ____ has passed you by


Waste not, want not


When God made time, he made plenty of it…


Where would we be without The Craic?


You can’t cod (kid/fool) them that’s codded thousands


You ‘got out of bed on the wrong side’ this morning…(grumpy)


You may as well sing Grief as cry it



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